This script is highly inspired off of already present 2 scripts:

share-script-as-discussion-js JSON to TypeScript

Open json-to-ts in Script Kit

// Name: JSON to TS-Interfaces
// Description: Quickly get an Interface from JSON
// Author: Ambushfall
// Snippet: json..ts
// Inspired by: Marin Muštra's JSON to TypeScript
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
import { EditorConfig } from '@johnlindquist/kit/types/kitapp';
const JsonToTS = await npm('json-to-ts');
const TSWrapper = (string: string) => `
const JSONWrapper = (string: string) => `
const editorConfig:EditorConfig = {
hint: "Write then submit to obtain results",
description: 'JSON Values to Interface',
onInputSubmit: async (input: string) => submit(input)
// Initialize editor and Parse JSON
const json = await editor(editorConfig)
const obj = JSON.parse(json);
const types = `${JsonToTS(obj).join('\n\n')}\n`;
// Place text into ClipBoard and show results
await div(await highlight(`# Success! Result Copied to Clipboard!
## Input:${JSONWrapper(json)}
## Output:${TSWrapper(types)}`));